Three years ago we visited the Cambodian Children’s Fund at the Stung Meanchey garbage dump outside Phnom Penh, where hundreds of children and families pick through garbage to earn enough money to eat. CCF works to provide those children an education and a path out of their dire situation. A couple of weeks ago, we received this email:
Hello Zac, you will not remember me but I remember you. so well. I used to be a scavenger on the Phnom Penh dump and when I was at Cambodian Children’s Fund in Phnom Penh you came to play there you let me play guitar with you on the stage. I remember every minute. Now me and my friends are older. Some people gave me and some friends the chance to learn about video and media and animation and we became not very bad at it. We are 5 in the group and we are just starting our own media company. We will come to your concert at FCC. Could you maybe let us make a video of your concert? It would be truly great if you can say yes.
This video of our FCC concert at The Exchange on February 21 was produced by the new Phnom Penh startup, One Plus Media. Check them out on YouTube.